What is High Density Foam Material in Upholstery?
07 September 2017
Much time, planning and effort goes into a quality piece of furniture such as a couch or reclining chair. It’s true, but most people never really consider this until they sit in one that is not as comfortable as they imagined. While there are many basic types of couch frames and chair frames, it is the upholstery work that really defines each piece. In fact, it is the quality of the upholstery and the materials used that truly can make a piece appealing aesthetically, and that make it comfortable to recline in. With that said, if the foam that is […]
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Leather and Fabric Upholstery Combination
23 August 2017
When you search for the ideal upholstery option for your house or business, you may feel a bit overwhelmed on whether to choose one in fabric or leather. To solve this confusion, you need to consider the merits of opting for the leather and fabric upholstery combination. We say this since this choice will provide you with the best of both materials in one piece of furniture. We share the characteristics of both of these materials in this information to help you understand the advantages of combining them in your furniture. Attributes of Leather One benefit of leather is the […]
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Benefits of Recycling Old Lounges and Chairs for Home Use
07 August 2017
Do you have any old lounges, sofas and chairs laying around your home? Perhaps a family heirloom or other furniture that you got for an incredible bargain at a garage sale. If you have, then you must have thought about repurposing your furniture at one point, either by DIY techniques, or by seeking out a professional upholstery service. Where are your old lounges and chairs? Are they now just stuck in your garage collecting dust, or taking up space hidden away in a corner of a room? Before you consider throwing them out for good, seriously consider the benefits of […]
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Absolute Upholstery: Giving Old Chairs and Sofas a New Life
25 July 2017
Diamonds are forever, but furniture doesn’t last that long. Much like anything else, chairs and sofas eventually wear out depending on their usage and quality. On average, you can expect most run-of-the-mill furniture to last at least 5 years before they show signs of old age. Wooden chairs will develop that unmistakable dullness and obvious scratches will appear. Sofas will get saggy seats, some tears on the cloth or leather are common, and not to mention the occasional squeaking noise that is infamous whenever someone takes a seat! Within 10 to 15 years after buying even quality furniture, the time […]
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What are Comfort Wrinkles in Upholstered Furniture?
11 July 2017
A lot of people who aren’t familiar with the intricacies of furnishing aesthetics and functionality may find it ‘strange’ that some of the sofas, divans, and beds they purchase have what appears to be intentional indentations in them, often appearing as wrinkled areas in what originally was perceived to be ‘firm’ cushioning. While some people may think at first that this is a product defect, and often complain that it is such, these are really designed comfort wrinkles. What many people don’t realise is that these comfort wrinkles are a perfectly normal occurrence in any well-crafted and well-upholstered furniture. The […]
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