Reupholstering Office Seats and Lounges versus Buying New Ones

16 October 2018

Furniture, like fashion, has its ‘seasons’. While some pieces are truly timeless, there are others that eventually become outdated, or that have become simply too old or too worn to still afford a place as part of the daily aesthetics. Most of the time, old, outdated, or worn out office seats and lounges are typically just replaced with new ones.

While this definitely makes the transition from old to new furniture faster and more efficient, this isn’t always the best solution, especially in times like this where prefabricated furniture saturate the market. In fact, there are drawbacks to prefabricated furniture that people have noted – among them being the fact that they are less durable than the older, often handmade furniture that typically uses superior materials.

If you have old office seats and lounges that need a little upgrading, to meet the current styles or aesthetics of your work place, you might benefit more from reupholstering them. Here are some of the reasons why reupholstering old office seats and lounges is a better option than buying new ones:

  • Uniqueness – reupholstered furniture can become nothing short of one-of-a-kind pieces, primarily because you rarely are able to find something similar to it in the market. This adds a unique appeal that makes office seats and lounges all the more eye-catching, especially if executed expertly.
  • Long-term savings – reupholstering your old office furniture promises long-term savings in a two-fold way, not only do you get to save money from having to skip on purchasing new office seats and lounges, but you can also save money through repurposing your quality furniture that you know will last. This is in stark contrast to modern furniture that rarely last as long as older, well-made quality furniture.
  • Ecologically sound option – reupholstering your office furniture is a more ecologically sound choice than having to buy ones. Not only will your old office seats and lounges most likely end up in a landfill un-recycled, but chances are that any modern furniture you purchase to replace them will soon follow after a few years due to low-quality material used in their construction.
  • Preserving sentimental / one-of-a-kind pieces – reupholstering doesn’t always involve a total overhaul of your old office seats and lounges. Sometimes, furniture can be repaired and restored, especially if a piece holds sentimental value, or you want to restore rare, top-quality furniture that have since become unavailable in the market.

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